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Using Reddit in Your Genealogy Research: Getting Help Online

Reddit genealogy

Reddit has become a powerful place on the web for genealogists, though it remains unknown to many. If you are looking for help with your genealogy research, a brief translation of a record, or identification of someone in a photograph, Reddit may be the place to go for answers.

Reddit is organized into “subreddits,” or pages where users can post questions, photos, and links devoted to a particular topic. Here are a few of the most useful subreddits for genealogists:

Reddit Genealogy Help (General)

DNA Help

Photo Editing and Identification

Old Newspapers

Translation Help

Identifying Objects/Artifacts

This list is by no means exhaustive. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you run across a great genealogy subreddit not on this list.

Best of luck to all of you in using Reddit as a tool in your genealogy research in the future!

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